Saturday, February 20, 2010

So it has been one month since I last posted!

Where has the time gone? I always say I need to blog and time just gets away from me. Maybe if I put it in my cool new Ipod Touch calendar I'll remember.
So life has been busy!
I now have 2 jobs, I am still at the hospital as well as my new job as a high school nurse. I love my school nurse job, I have always wanted a school job, never thoughtI would want to do high school, but I think it is the perfect fit for me. It feels like it is where I am supposed to be. The school is great, the staff and students have been very welcoming and I think I could see myself there for possibly the rest of my career. (just have to pray for no budget cuts, since I am low man on the totem pole!)
The last month has also been a month of sickness in our house. All 3 kiddos have been going back and forth with colds, fevers, runny noses and stomach bugs. Livy is now the latest sicky kid, the poor thing is miserable. She is so congested and no matter how many boogies we suck out of her nose, there is a waterfall more of them to come. So we have done alot of cuddling, naps and Tylenol. We think she may also be finally teething which makes her even more miserable. Hopefully everyone is well soon since the good weather is right around the corner...although the next weeks forecast looks like snow everyday!

Tanner told me today that he loves Nana more than me " because when she is washing the floor and I ask for a snack she gets it right away and I don't have to wait" Gotta love the kid..but nana's are supposed to be more fun right?

Livy needs to be on a leash. Yesterday she was in the playroom and Scott and I were going to get lunch ready, so we closed the door to the back stairs so she couldn't climb them when we weren't watching and left her to play for 5 minutes. Well when Scott went to get her he couldn't find her, but could hear her. And guess where he found the top of the back stairs!!! She had crawled from the playroom, through the living room, to the front hall, up the front stairs, through her bedroom to the back stairs and was yelling from there for help! So after we had a heart attack, we realized she needs to live in a gated community without access to anything!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So I have been slacking

We have been a very busy family lately so my time on the computer hasn't been as easy to come by.
We started homeschooling Braden for preschool on January 8th. He absolutely loves it. We set up a small classroom area for him in the office with his own backpack hook and everything. He loves "going" to school. Right now we do 2 mornings a week while Tanner is at school and in the fall we plan to do 3 days per week. I have been doing a lot of research into the Montessori method of teaching since Tanner has been thriving in a Montessori preschool. So Scott and I have decided to base the majority of our homeschooling on the Montessori method, but not strictly. It is tough some mornings to keep Livy from plowing into Braden while she goes around the office in her walker while we are at "school", but I figure if he can focus with that distraction than he will do well in public school :) Apparently she thinks that we are playing bumper cars and laughs hysterically while she bangs into all of us.

Livy stood up by herself without holding onto anything for the first time last week, only lasted a second but she did it. She has been trying to do it more, but with our hardwood floors it makes it a bit tricky. She has also graduated from the combat crawl to up on all fours crawling.

We also got a new addition to our family! A lab/springer mix who is 8 weeks old named Cooper. He looks just like a black lab. He is super cute and pretty well behaved for a puppy. We now get woken up by a dog crying instead of a baby! The kids absolutely love him, Livy crawls after him to pet and play with him, but isn't too fond of him going towards her to play. Tanner and Braden love playing with him and helping to take care of him. We had to tell Tanner to stop carrying him around the house because we were afraid of him hurting the dog by accident.